Dec 25, 2009

Tagged by Fishii-Queen~


★姓名★ 幸扬
★马来文名★ Low Hsin Yang
★洋名★ Yang Yang
★花名★ Yang
★生日★ September 30th
★星座★ Libra
★生肖★ Monkey
★体高★ 170cm
★体重★ 52kg
★来自★ Earth(?)
★宗族★ Chinese
★信仰★ Buhddis(?)
★嗜好★ Drawings,Reading(Comics),Make-up Stories
★兴趣★ Arts and Designs
★怪癖★ I like to be BAD although I'm not= =...
★性格★ Quite,Stay cool,dont talk much
★职业★ Graduated Student
★愿望★ I want the WORLD to know my creations!
★地址 - [cant tell]


★颜色★ the one and only RED, or black.
★卡通★ -Kuroshitsuji and Detective Conan!
★花朵★ -roses(?) or NONE
★音乐★ Japanese Anime Theme, and English songs
★食物★ Spegetti and Maccaroni!
★饮料'★ Mango and Orange JUICE
★衣服★ Depends on what style...
★裤子★ Depends on what style...
★裙子★ Depends on what style...
★穿着★ Simple and nice,or classic and elagent
★造型★ Like to make it Special*
★国家★ Japan and England
★艺人★ Michael Jackson!
★帅哥★ Him*
★美女★ -Her*
★物品★ -My collection of WATCHES!
★季节★ Autom
★动物★ Dogs
★发型★ long and slightly curly
★节目★ Anime
★电影★ AVATAR!!!!
★科目★ English
★运动★ Swimming
★朋友★ BF-MeiYeng,YiLing;BP-002
★模特儿★ [Dont know dont care]
★造型师★ [Dont know dont care]
★座右铭★ 我有我的风格,看到红色就代表看到我
★华语歌★ [NONE]
★英文歌★ [Alot...]
★马来歌★ [NONE]
★广东歌★ [NONE]
★福建歌★ [NONE]
★电视剧★ none
★遗憾之事★ [Dont have it yet]
★若时光能倒流?★ Hope to be more ACtive
★若选择一个人永远爱你?★ [cant tell by me...= =]
★若自己是亿万富翁★ [dont know when only will be me]
★若有一天醒来,发现自己的样子变成金城武/蔡依林,你会?★ still think i'm asleep.
★若有三个愿望★ [cant tell what wish i'll make. SECRET*]
★面包/爱情★ Love
★雨天/晴天★ Daylight
★爱情/自由★ Freedom
★黑/白★ Black
★海边/山上 ★ beach
★唱歌/跳舞★ Singing
★美貌/性格★ Character
★平淡。轰烈的日子★ Exciting
★相信/提防★ aware
★头脑好/性格好★ good brain
★干皮肤/油皮肤★ [does it matter??]
★金钱/快乐★ Happiness
★目前快乐吗?★ Yeap
★朋友对你好吗?★ Not bad
★你受朋友欢迎吗★ i dont know. cant tell for myself.
★好朋友是?★ the only one who knows me well.
★单身/恋爱★ single
★相信一辈子吗?★ nope
★喜欢自己吗?★ of course
★相信自己吗★ yeap
★悲观/乐观★ be bright
★若说最后一句话就哑口,你会?★ "BYE BYE"
★若明天世界末日,你会?★ this is a special day to rmb= =
★若你爱的人明天离开你,你会?★ let go, dont ever come back.
★最喜欢的一句话★ "Be yourself , find your colour in life."

○时尚吗? always tease by my freinds
○哪风格? Cool
○优点? friendly..?
○缺点? less confident
○spm有信心吗?i'm done with it.
○认为自己可以拿几科A? nope,never hope for that.
-什么科?maybe only for some subject i think i can.

★崇拜的艺人★ Michael Jackson
★能为他神魂颠倒的艺人★ NONE
★搞笑的艺人★ none
★讨厌的艺人★ none
★欣赏的艺人★ none
★漂亮的艺人★ none
★甜美的艺人★ none
★可爱的艺人★ none
★古典美艺人★ none
★气质型艺人★ none
★实力派艺人★ none
★帅哥型艺人★ none
★新加坡的七公主里你喜欢?★ dont know who...
★最登对艺人★ none
★有想过当艺人吗?★ nope

- 001
- 002
- 004
- 005
- 006
- Vicky
- BiJing
- ShiePing
-Melisa Yee

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